2η Συνάντηση στην Γερμανία (KA2 18-20)
2nd meeting Healthy Life- Happy Life
Speyer, Germany.
Στα πλαίσια του Ευρωπαϊκού προγράμματος Erasmus+ με τίτλο ?Healthy Life ? Happy Life! ? Exploring different aspects of a healthy lifestyle?μαθητές του 2ο ΓΕΛ Έδεσσας με τις υπεύθυνες καθηγήτριές τους Πελαγία Λιάνδη και Ελένη Στογιάννου βρέθηκαν από τις 7 έως τις 13 Απριλίου 2019 στην πόλη Σπάιερ (γερμ. Speyer, ελλ. Σπείρα), στο κρατίδιο της Ρηνανίας-Παλατινάτου με περίπου 50.000 κατοίκους. Είναι μία υπέροχη και γραφική πόλη από τις αρχαιότερες της Γερμανίας που απέφυγε το βομβαρδισμό των συμμάχων κατά το Β΄ Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο. Είναι χτισμένη δίπλα στον ποταμό Ρήνο που αποτελεί το σύνορο του κρατιδίου της Ρηνανίας ?Παλατινάτου με εκείνου της Βάδης Βυττεμβέργης.

Επισκέφτηκαν ακόμα την περίφημη Pfalz-Markt, που είναι από τις πιο σημαντικές χονδρεμπορικές αγορές φρούτων και λαχανικών στην Ευρώπη. Ενημερώθηκαν για το σύστημα λειτουργίας του συγκεκριμένου οργανισμού και της αγοράς στην Ευρώπη γενικότερα, τις αυστηρές προδιαγραφές παραγωγής σύμφωνα με τις εντολές των μεγάλων αγοραστών Super Market που ακολουθούν παραγωγοί φρούτων και λαχανικών από τη Νότια Ευρώπη και τη Γερμανία, για να γίνουν δεκτά τα προϊόντα τους στην αγορά, τον τρόπο με τον οποίο αυτά πιστοποιούνται και πώς διανέμονται ταχύτατα και φρέσκα σε όλη τη Γερμανία. Εκτός από το αντικείμενο των εργασιών τους είχαν την ευκαιρία να ενημερωθούν για την πλούσια ιστορία της περιοχής επισκεπτόμενοι σημαντικά μνημεία όπως τον χτισμένο το 1030 περίπου Καθεδρικό Ναό ρωμανικού ρυθμού που χαρακτηρίστηκε ως μνημείο παγκόσμιας κληρονομιάς από την UNESCO. Είναι ο μεγαλύτερος ναός της Ρωμαιοκαθολικής Εκκλησίας που εξακολουθεί να υπάρχει στον κόσμο.

Within the framework of the European program Erasmus+ entitled "Healthy Life - Happy Life! - Exploring different aspects of a healthy lifestyle" the students of 2nd GEL of Edessa with their teachers in charge Pelagia Liandi and Eleni Stogiannou were found from 7 to 13 April 2019 in the town of Speyer (Speyer, Germany) in the Rhine State-Palatinate with about 50,000 inhabitants. It is a magnificent and picturesque city from the earliest ones in Germany that avoided bombing from allies during World War II. It is built next to the Rhine River, which borders the Rhine-Palatinate State with that of Baden-W?rttemberg.
In an agitated and blossoming spring nature, at the Johann-Joachim -Becher-Schule School premises, Greek students met students from Italy, Germany, Romania and Sweden working on the question "Vegetarian or Not?" They discussed with their European classmates the environmental, economic and ethical issues and health problems that arise at our individual and global level through our eating habits. To have an overall look, they all cooked together and enjoyed themselves tasting in a cheerful atmosphere, along with their teachers, vegetarian and meat dishes prepared in the school kitchen. They found out in practice the gradual transformation and evolution of the profession of α farmer and breeder into a manager, closely monitoring the operation of a family farming unit.
They also visited the famous Pfalz-Markt, which is one of the most important wholesale fruit and vegetable markets in Europe. They were also informed of the operating system of this organization and of the market in Europe in general, the strict production standards in accordance with the orders of the major buyers Super Market followed by fruit and vegetable producers from Southern Europe and Germany, in order their products to be accepted to the market, how they are certified and how they are quickly and freshly distributed throughout Germany. In addition to the subject of their work, they had the opportunity to learn about the region's rich history by visiting important monuments such as the one built around 1030 by the Romanesque Cathedral designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. It is the largest Roman Catholic church in the world. In the city of Heidelberg they were guided inside its famous castle, got informed about its history and life inside the castle.
They also had the opportunity to stroll through the city's narrow streets with a medieval atmosphere and buildings with the magnificent exterior architectural decoration and enjoy the beauty of the scenery created by the Necker River. The experiences were so intense that within a week all the teams became one. Friendships, gifts, emails were exchanged. It was also the feelings of emotion that developed when they left. The coordinating school has completely achieved its goal of covering the cognitive track. Besides, the other key objective of the Erasmus + program, which is twinning and developing communication skills has been achieved. Our students discovered that they are not behind their European classmates, on the contrary, they can represent today's modern Greece in foreign countries with great praise and look forward optimistically to their future.

They also visited the famous Pfalz-Markt, which is one of the most important wholesale fruit and vegetable markets in Europe. They were also informed of the operating system of this organization and of the market in Europe in general, the strict production standards in accordance with the orders of the major buyers Super Market followed by fruit and vegetable producers from Southern Europe and Germany, in order their products to be accepted to the market, how they are certified and how they are quickly and freshly distributed throughout Germany. In addition to the subject of their work, they had the opportunity to learn about the region's rich history by visiting important monuments such as the one built around 1030 by the Romanesque Cathedral designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. It is the largest Roman Catholic church in the world. In the city of Heidelberg they were guided inside its famous castle, got informed about its history and life inside the castle.